
What you read here are true, first-hand accounts of life inside an alternative religious group. What we went through may seem incredible to you. But keep in mind, we were normal, every-day people. Just like you. And we never thought it would happen to us, either.


Posting a Quick Response

I received an email from Clay adding some comments of his own:
I have enjoyed reading Dr. Datanah’s words and would like to attest to her wisdom and accuracy. As with her I had be around the spiritual block a few times before landing in the presence of Angelo. I can honestly say that in my experience the ‘energy’ I felt in his presence did not necessarily bear any relation to spiritual clarity or evolution on his part. I had experienced such energy many times before in the presence of other beings who took on charismatic roles as spiritual leaders in different communities. For example, I once attended an evangelical Christian summer camp. When the speaker came out he had extremely charismatic energy and as he spoke and placed very strong suggestions in the minds of his follower’s people were falling over backwards from the ‘energy’ all around me. His ability was in his charismatic presence, the role in which he placed himself and the power his congregation gave away to him. His actual understanding of his divine nature and his ability to lead people with any form of clarity was confused at best.

Who knew…? ten years later I was going to give my power away in a similar manner! Who knew...? I was going to confuse the ‘energy’ I felt as spiritual clarity! This is not to say that some of Angelo’s borrowed teachings did not induce growth or the practice of meditation did not impact my life. The benefits, however, were seriously negated by many of his teachings that were rooted in his own spiritual confusion!

The past fifteen years did result in growth for me. I have learnt true spiritual discernment and to trust in my own direct connection to source. Truth is experienced in my own heart. I just have to listen.

We are entering a period of great spiritual evolution on our planet. It is now time to step boldly into our own spiritual power. We are glorious and powerful co-creators! Let’s embrace our spiritually inspired lives with love and play!