
What you read here are true, first-hand accounts of life inside an alternative religious group. What we went through may seem incredible to you. But keep in mind, we were normal, every-day people. Just like you. And we never thought it would happen to us, either.


Hollywood's Buddhafield Cult from Holy Hell Doc

Since the premiere of the documentary, Holy Hell, at the Sundance Film Festival I have received a number of emails from people that recognized that the "Buddhafield" cult from the documentary might be the same as the Buddhafield cult on this site.

Some inquiries have been curious, most have been sweet expressions of compassion but a number of them are asking for clarity on matching the names used on this site to their real-life counterparts as well as other "fact-checking" questions... so, despite not paying much attention to this site in the last 8 years, I thought I needed to address this...

That's not going to be happening.

For a refresher on WHY this blog was originated and why I want it to remain anonymous, please read the FAQ.

But that's just my own personal choice for this blog... to provide a safe environment for people that wanted to share their own first hand accounts.

You see, there was a real problem in the group with "spin" and "suppression" of other people's experiences so this blog served as a safe place for them to share their experience without having it judged and twisted later.

 In that same spirit, when I DO see the film, I won't be commenting on the experiences in the documentary. Because whether or not what they share is similar to what I went through, I fully support letting everyone have (and express) their own experiences... even if they are very different than my own.

As you can see on this site, there are no easy answers and as many different experiences of the group as there were members.

But I fully support (and am proud of) the people involved in that film that have found an outlet for sharing their own experiences -- and I want to show them the same respect that I showed those that did interviews for this blog... allowing their experience to be their own... and stand on their own... as they experienced it... and as they choose to share it.