EFT for healing PTSD
I've heard from several people now that they have had some good results with using something called the Emotional Freedom Technique (E.F.T.) in their healing process. I've also heard it referred to as "tapping." From what I understand, it's like acupuncture without the needles -- stimulating body meridians to clear any disruptions in your body's energy system that were brought on by negative emotions.
I no longer worry about the 'why' of something working. Just the fact that several people have told me it has worked for them is enough for me to pass on the information to you. Just follow the link and follow your gut. The website has a free manual you can download. It also offers DVDs for sale but in most towns you can probably find some group sessions offered that might be a better value.
I no longer worry about the 'why' of something working. Just the fact that several people have told me it has worked for them is enough for me to pass on the information to you. Just follow the link and follow your gut. The website has a free manual you can download. It also offers DVDs for sale but in most towns you can probably find some group sessions offered that might be a better value.