
What you read here are true, first-hand accounts of life inside an alternative religious group. What we went through may seem incredible to you. But keep in mind, we were normal, every-day people. Just like you. And we never thought it would happen to us, either.


Mind Control - for fun and profit

If you are not watching the new show, "Mind Control" (Wednesday nights, Sci Fi channel), you are missing something fascinating. The premise of the show is a self-proclaimed illusionist, Derren Brown, who seems able to impose his will on others with "little more than a pep talk or a gesture." Derren uses various manipulations and persuasive techniques to push people's psychological buttons and get them to do some pretty amazing things (in a very "These are not the droids you're looking for" kind of way.)

There have been a few episodes already but the Sci Fi channel will probably rerun them. Some clips are on the Channel Four website.
Among the most interesting stunts I've seen in the last two episodes:
  • Derren uses subconscious cues for about 20 minutes on unsuspecting shoppers and, at a verbal cue from him, they stop mid-stride and raise their hand into the air. When interviewed later, all seem baffled as to why they did it. They think it curious that other people all raise their hand suddenly only to look at their own hand and find it raised. Seemingly, it was of their own volition. But was it?
  • Another fascinating clip is when Derren invites two advertising executives to a meeting. On their way to the meeting, they are unknowingly exposed to things that plant images in their minds. So, when Derren asks them for suggestions for an advertising campaign, their 'original' ideas merely reflect what they have already been programmed to come up with. Fascinating perspective on how someone can be manipulated into thinking something and even made to think it was their own idea in the first place.
Perhaps it was so powerful to me because I've been doing these interviews, but I thought I'd pass it on in case it strikes a chord with any of you as well.