The Ascending Breath AKA Spinal Breathing

I found the DVD that taught the original "Ascending Breath Technique." It is called The Sacred Science of Meditation. Angelo ordered the DVD from an ad in the back of The Yoga Journal. You can read about it and buy it here.
Available from the Solar Logos Foundation, the DVD teaches the Rainbow Technique of Meditation, including an element called Spinal Breathing. It's part of the Kriya Yoga tradition. Normal Paulsen, a disciple that "went his own way" started the Solar Logos Foundation and offers this DVD that teaches parts of Kriya Yoga that were shared with him -- from Yogananda and Jesus according to their website:
Where East meets West. Learn Sunburst Kriya Yoga II, the Rainbow Technique of Meditation, as received by Norman Paulsen from his teachers Paramahansa Yogananda and Christ Jesus. Norman guides you on an exploration of the eight dimensions of consciousness existing right within you, leading into the kingdom of heaven and the loving Being of light called I Am That I Am. Sunburst welcomes and encourages all who view this video to receive Sunburst Kriya Yoga initiation at our sanctuary. Please contact us for initiation schedule.I have heard that Angelo taught a bit of it wrong, so if you want the "original" version you can follow the link, buy the video and watch it for yourself. Then I suppose you could show it to others and pass it off as your own if you want. Your choice.