Denomio: 15. Special Needs & Body Limits
He had “special needs” for his body but I felt like… OK, he’s the master and therefore whatever he said, went. So things would just get more and more absurd. Like, He didn’t sit down to take a poop. He actually squatted over the toilet and pooped over the toilet without actually sitting down. I believe it was because he thought the seat hurt his body. So he would get this idea that something hurt and come up with some absurd work-around, and then everybody would just support him in that. And it would just get weirder and weirder. Like the tissues he would lick and put over his nose so he wouldn’t get dust in his nose when he was reading (from turning the pages of the book), or the 3 tissues that had to be under his pillow at night (because 2 created a strain on his lower back and sacrum) and then all the muscle testing. That was one that drove me crazy. All the muscle testing. I don’t miss that. Whenever anything was wrong, he’d want to do muscle testing. Let’s say he had a sniffle, he’d want to do muscle testing. Is it a virus? Is it this? Is it that? And then we’d get some answer. And then if he still had it the next day, he’d want to muscle test again and we’d get a different answer. But he was still convinced. I was never able to convey to him that if you get six different answers, what good does it do? Why not just flip a coin and get the answer that way? But he wouldn’t have it. It’s like he was invested in this role of being in communion with divine guidance or something and to abandon the muscle testing would be to abandon this direct line he had. I don’t know what was going through his head because it didn’t make sense. The testing was never consistent. My all-time favorite incident with this was when Malario and I were doing a muscle test about something and I stuck out my arm to be the surrogate (because we did so much muscle testing that Angelo couldn’t be the test subject all the time so someone would take his place as a “surrogate”). So Malario starts doing this muscle test… yes, no, yes… no… yes, yes, yes… no.. .and then we’d been doing this for 30 seconds or something and I looked up and asked what information he was getting and he said, “Oh, I thought you were asking the questions.” So we were doing this muscle testing and getting these definite answers but neither of us were asking a question. I laughed and laughed. Angelo didn’t think it was that funny.
I believe Angelo really did have actual physical limitations, but I think they were brought on by how he took care of his body. With the nervous system, the less you move, the less you CAN move. So he’d say, “Oh, I can’t do this or that” and then he’d stop doing it. And I think by doing that, he was creating this manifestation in his body that just progressively he was not really fluid in a lot of ways. For a while, he started doing Z-Health and his body started transforming. He started getting so much more motion and started doing shorter bodywork sessions and his body was really radically changing. Then he just codified it. He went into his routine with it, rather than allowing it to continue to evolve. He turned everything into a routine and then it stopped progressing.